Athens Wildlife Removal

CatchPro biologist with captured snake

CatchPro Wildlife Removal provides wildlife services to Athens and surrounding areas.  With years of experience, our expert staff of wildlife professionals are ready and capable of handling any wildlife safely and quickly.  

We are committed to protecting you, your home, and the animals we are hired to remove.  CatchPro biologists and technicians are licensed and insured, and undergo continuous training and education to ensure we are using the most up to date methods and equipment, not only to safely capture wildlife, but also to prevent future wildlife from entering your home.  

Our process starts with a free assessment of your home, where we identify the entry point wildlife is using to get into your home.  We also look for any other potential entry points so that once the animals are removed we can ensure that they have no other means of entry.  

For removal, we either use traps or one way doors that allow the critters to exit your home, and not be able to get back in.  This is where it is important that we seal up every potential access point, not just the areas we know the animals were using.   

If need be we will do a pheromone treatment.  As animals enter and inhabit an area they leave oils, urine, feces, and other scent that may attract more critters to the same area.  If the presence of urine and feces is at high enough levels then removal of the contaminated insulation and materials may be required, along with disinfecting and deodorizing the area, and finally replacing the insulation with fresh, unsoiled material.  

Wildlife removal can pose some serious challenges, but we strive to provide a complete solution to protect you, your family, and your home.  

Wildlife Control and Removal

Our expert biologists and technicians are licensed through the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to provide nuisance wildlife removal services for common wildlife that is found around Athens and surrounding areas, including armadillos, bats, beavers, birds, bobcats, chipmunks, coyotes, foxes, flying squirrels, gray squirrels, groundhogs, mice, raccoons, rats, rodents, opossums, skunks, snakes, and more.  

We not only focus on the safe removal of problem wildlife, but we also focus on how we can prevent any future issues.  Just trapping and removal of the animal is not a long term solution.  

Athens Armadillo Removal

Athens Armadillo Removal is a common service provided throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Armadillos are common throughout Georgia and can make a real mess of manicured lawns and beautiful flower beds.  Their unsightly grubbing leaves holes scattered all over, and they can dig deep burrows that can be dangerous for livestock and even compromise the integrity of foundations.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal specializes in the trapping and removal of armadillos as well as options to prevent burrowing issues.

Athens Bat Removal

Athens Bat Removal is a common service provided throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Bats are a common, and vital part of the ecosystem, and are protected in Georgia.  Care must be taken in regard to when they can be excluded from structures to ensure flightless young are not separated from their mothers.  Bat removal can be especially challenging because bats can gain access through very small openings.  We use a one way door, often called a cone or valve, to exclude bats from a structure.  This simply means the bats leave through the one way door as they normally do, but all other entry options are sealed, so they cannot reenter the structure and have to go elsewhere to roost.  Another major challenge with bats is their guano, which can have toxic histoplasmosis spores in it.  Any concentration of bat droppings, and surrounding contaminated material, needs to be removed, sanitized, and replaced with clean material.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers full exclusion as well as guano clean up and restoration of the attic or affected area.

Athens Beaver Removal

Athens Beaver Removal is a common service provided throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Beavers are surprisingly common throughout Georgia.  And while they are a vital part of the ecosystem, when left unchecked they can cause severe damage to timber, crops, buildings, and even roads.  It takes specialized equipment and knowledge to successfully trap beavers.  If trapping is attempted by an inexperienced landowner, which is common, beavers can actually recognize traps and become trap shy, and thus more difficult to catch.  We have extensive beaver trapping experience and can also remove any dams that may be causing flooding. 

Athens Bird Control

Athens Bird Control is a common service provided throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Birds can be especially challenging to deal with, as there are many species, and they often next and perch in high, hard to reach areas.  There are a wide variety of options for deterring bird perching and nesting, and we have the experience working with the right equipment to get these products safely installed.  

Athens Coyote Removal

Athens Coyote Removal is a common service provided throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Coyotes are increasingly expanding into urban and suburban areas, and pose real threats, especially to small pets.  Coyotes are also notoriously hard to catch, which is why hiring a professional is an important first step.  We can work with individual landowners, homeowners associations, golf courses, industrial complexes, and any other individual or entity, to reduce the number of coyotes in and area and help people feel safe and comfortable in their work place or neighborhood.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers coyote trapping and removal services as well as options for preventing issues with coyotes in the future.  

Athens Dead Animal Removal

Athens Dead Animal Removal is a surprisingly common service provided throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Homeowners often hear a noise and plug up a hole, without considering that the animal making the noise is still inside.  This is a major reason why hiring a wildlife professional is so important.  What could have been a relatively inexpensive removal job just got a lot more expensive if that animal dies in a wall or attic space.  Usually the smell is what gives it away, a rotting animal in your wall is not a pleasant smell.  This can also require removing contaminated insulation and material and sanitizing the area.  

Athens Flying Squirrel Removal

Athens Flying Squirrel Removal is a very common service provided throughout Athens-Clarke County and surrounding areas.  Flying squirrels are some of the cutest critters you could ever imagine, but they can also make a lot of noise, usually in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep.  Like bats, they can get in through very small openings.  An inspection is critical in highlighting all potential entry points and systematically sealing them off, leaving a single entry point that a trap or one way door can be placed on to allow the squirrels to leave the house and not get back in.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers flying squirrel removal and exclusion services as well as a pheromone treatment to eliminate any odors left behind by flying squirrels after removal.  

Athens Fox Removal

Foxes, both red fox and gray fox, are quite common in the Athens-Clarke County area, and our fox removal service is often called upon.  The old saying "fox in the hen house" is quite accurate, and we remove a fair amount of chicken stealing foxes.  Foxes occasionally den under sheds or porches, which can put them just a little too close for comfort, especially in an area where children play outside. If you have foxes that are eating your chickens, or just getting a little too comfortable around people, CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers fox trapping and removal services as well as consultation on how you can reduce interactions with foxes and other wildlife. 

Athens Groundhog Removal

Athens Groundhog Removal is a common service for the Athens-Clarke County area.  Groundhogs can cause unsightly digging and burrowing.  While not pleasant to look at, these holes can also be dangerous for livestock to step in.  Groundhogs also have a tendency to dig under porches, sheds, and even houses, which can cause foundation and structural issues as well.  

Athens Mole Removal

Athens Mole Removal is a common service we provide in the Athens-Clarke County area.  Their tunneling causes unsightly bumps throughout an otherwise well manicured lawn, and the tunneling also causes those areas to be soft, which can be a tripping hazard if someone isn't expecting it.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers mole control programs to eliminate moles and keep your lawn looking great.

Athens Opossum Removal

Athens Opossum, or possum (as we call them in the south!), Removal is a common service we provide in the Athens-Clarke County area.  Opossums will readily take advantage of any opening to gain access to attics, crawlspaces, garages, and sheds.  

Athens Raccoon Removal

Athens Raccoon Removal is a common service that we provide in the Athens-Clarke County areas.  Raccoons are pretty rambunctious and can create an opening to get in if they can't find one and believe it or not, they only need an opening the size of a grapefruit to gain access.  Most often raccoons find their way into attics during the cold winter months, and the females will remain through the spring to birth their pups, often in walls or other tight spaces that are tough to get to.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers raccoon trapping and removal as well as exclusion services to ensure that once the raccoons are out they cannot return.  

Athens Rodent Removal

Athens Rodent Removal, for both mice and rats, is a common service that we provide in the Athens-Clarke County area.  One of the keys with rodent control is an inspection and complete exclusion to seal up any potential access points.  We offer trapping services, not poison, to eliminate mice and rats.  This ensures positive removal of all dead rodents.  We have done plenty of dead animal removals where a homeowner put out poison, that definitely did its job, but the rat or mouse died inside the house, instead of outside, and had to be removed.  

Athens Skunk Removal

Athens Skunk Removal is a service that we provide to the Athens-Clarke County area, more often than you might think.  Skunks typically find a hole or burrow their way into a crawlspace.  You would be amazed at how small of a hole a skunk can get through.  They look fairly large, but they are mostly fur and can squeeze in or under just about anything.  Skunks are most often encountered during winter, during their breeding season.  Wherever a female skunk takes up residence there will be a parade of male suitors passing through.  Usually what gives a skunk's presence away is of course the smell.  Whether two males get into a scuffle under a house, or a pet cat or dog gets after them, if they even slightly spray, everyone in the neighborhood is going to know it!  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers skunk trapping and removal services, with priority on ensuring they don't spray!  We use specialized traps that completely enclose the skunk, keeping them calm and feeling safe.  And we will seal up the entry hole and harden any other possible entrances.

Athens Snake Removal

Athens Snake Removal is a service that we provide throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  A snake in the house is something no one wants to encounter, but it is a call we get more often than you might think.  We provide emergency snake removal services when one is found inside a home.  We also provide snake trapping programs when snakes are encountered outside the home but are not able to be immediately captured and removed.  Exclusion is also an important service if a snake is found inside your home.  The added benefit is that if everything is sealed tight enough that a snake cannot get in, then pretty much any other wildlife will not be able get in either.  

Athens Wild Hog Removal

Athens Wild Hog Removal is a service that we provide throughout the Athens-Clarke County area.  Effective wild hog removal takes very specialized equipment, and sometimes a bit of patience.  We use state of the art trapping technology where we can remotely monitor and fire the trap at the appropriate time.  The key with wild hogs is to trap the entire sounder, or group.  This ensures there are no hogs that may become trap shy, and could shy others away from traps in the future.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers entire sounder wild hog trapping and work with large landowners, farmers, neighborhoods, industrial facilities, and anyone else who may have wild hog problems.   

Athens Vulture Removal

Athens Vulture Removal is a service that we provide throughout Athens-Clarke County and surrounding areas.  Believe it or not, vultures are a protected species, so you cannot just go trapping or killing them.  The most effective solution for vultures is to hang an effigy.  That sounds weird, but when placed in the right location, hanging what appears to be a dead vulture typically shies other vultures away from that area.  Vultures perching or nesting near your home can not only be unsightly but can be a serious health risk, with their droppings.  CatchPro Wildlife Removal can provide effective solutions for deterring vultures from roosting or nesting around your home or place of business.  

CatchPro Wildlife Removal offers wildlife trapping, wildlife removal, and wildlife exclusion services throughout Athens-Clarke County and Oconee County, including Bogart and Watkinsville.  

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